Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Summer Getaway

Last week was a definite treat. We (all of us including Papa who just came home last week) were able to go to the beach again after, say, years - with all of us present in the picture. Going swimming was like a tradition back then; but it hasn't been the case for the past couple of years.

Isla Jardin del Mar, Glan, Sarangani Province
 We were together with some family friends who were former/latter colleagues of Mama and Papa. It was quite a thrill because it was the first time that we get to spend time with them that long. Hehe.Well, it was two days of different 'firsts', to say.

Feels historical.
We passed by the market and the residential houses that were old thrilled me. Feels like Spanish-era. :)
The ride was exhilarating. I love how smooth the road is, I feel like cycling!

We had some stopovers along the way to, er, take pictures of the view. :)) Thankfully, my phone's camera did not fail me.

Sea brains?
Our family arrived first and we got a sort of shock upon arrival when we found out that it was low tide. Haha! But it gave us time to prepare our stuff  while waiting for the company.

It was actually an intro moment with the other 'kids' since we last met about two years ago and had no proper introduction, knowing each other only through faces. The 'rents, as expected, chatted their hearts out. The guys offered we play card games and this is where I had another first. We agreed that the 'losers' drink a glass of water as punishment and, guess what? I drank more than five glasses! Boo!

The tide was high by afternoon and the rest immediately swam in the waters while I decided to take a plunge the next day.

Octopus surprise!
Nighttime was cool, too. Since we weren't able to avail closed cottages and did not thought of renting tents, we slept in the cars instead. :))

I planned to witness the sunrise next morning but I failed :( The morning breeze was a relief, however. 

The place was 'common' if you live by the sea in Glan. White sand. Clear blue waters. Awesome skies. Amazing sunsets. But it never fails to give me that sense of awe. I cannot help thanking God for letting us experience this beauty. And praising Him for it. Glorious, indeed!

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